Friday, March 5, 2021

Already posted today

Covid 19 has kept many people inside and isolated.  So, when I saw a previous post in my main blog, "Fear, Fun and Filoz", I reposted it for today's post.  I usually compose from 2 PM to 4 PM so here it is before noon and I have already posted for today.  What will I do with my afternoon?  

There have been times when I have posted more than once in a day but generally I want to limit my mailings to one a day.  There is too much stuff otherwise. Most of the people who get my blog are already busy and I don't want to wear out my welcome.  

In reading about the telegraph, the railroad, radio, television and before all that, the printing press, I realize that today's email, web sites and blogs do create a chance to put one's words where others all over can see them or see me and hear me.  I think that typing on a keyboard, reading my posts to my wife and using a spelling-grammar checker make for posted words of better quality than if I just turn on my iPad and talk.   

 I have been thinking I might have some time and use for a less regular site for once-in-a-while writing so I am trying this.

Already posted today

Covid 19 has kept many people inside and isolated.  So, when I saw a previous post in my main blog, "Fear, Fun and Filoz", I repos...